Coffee Hour Volunteer Opportunity
We have created a sign up sheet for Sunday Coffee Hour. We are hoping that two people will volunteer each week to bring goodies (or a monetary donation for someone to buy goodies). Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex if you are interested!
Annual Parish Meeting - January 19th
Join us Sunday, January 19 after church for our annual parish meeting. Summary reports will be presented by the senior warden, the treasurer, and the preschool. We will be proposing a new budget for the year with final approval to be voted upon by the vestry. We will be electing vestry officers- please consider throwing your hat in the ring! Being a part of the vestry is a crucial role in the success and growth of our beloved church. We will also be electing two deanery representatives (and one alternate) to be delegates for the convention. We hope to see you there!
Stewardship 2025
If you have completed your pledge card for 2025, please return it this Sunday. Please discern over the next few weeks what St. Francis means to you and what you can afford to contribute towards maintaining our work and ministry in the coming year. Every dollar helps and is greatly appreciated!